Monday, October 12, 2009

bowling and mini golfing

On a previous comment on one of my blogs a question was asked if there is any activities for teenagers to do with their parents. The answer is there are many things that teenagers can do with their parents. One thing that teenagers can do with their parents is to go bowling. Bowling is a game that many parents can do with their children. Bowling is good for parents and teenagers to do because its something they can do and talk to each other at the same time. They can try to see who is the best bowler with who has the highest score. Families can also laugh at have a good time by seeing how bad some people are at bowling. There are many bowling alleys around that people can go to during most times of the day, or during any time of the year. Some people never think about going bowling with their kids they only think of simple family activities like dinner together.
Some families may not like to go bowling for those families there is always mini golfing for teenagers and parents to do together. They can pick a night and go mini golfing and have fun hanging out with eighteen holes of fun. Teenagers will like to have stuff for just their parents and them to do together in stead of having to worry about younger siblings because every one needs time to get away. There are many other things for parents to do with their teenagers their are websites with list of places for bowling and mini golfing and other activities for families with teenagers.


  1. ii love this blog. i've been trying to find things to do with my dad. we're opposites but we both like golf and bowling :) these are excellent ideas. keep up the good work.

  2. I want to challenge you to work on sentence combination--combining ideas from two sentences into one so you don't repeat the same ideas.
