Sunday, November 8, 2009

Causes of AIDS in America

Substance abuse, lack of education, and people being secretive are some of the main causes of AIDS in America. Many people wonder why these things cause AIDS. Many people don't know the facts of AIDS and what it can do to a person. No one tells them that it's a very serious thing so they just go around doing what ever they want with whoever they want. Doing this causes more people to contract AIDS. Another cause of AIDS is substance abuse. When people are doing drugs they don't know who used the needles they're using some of them are contaminated because people with AIDS or HIV have used them and now other people are using them and they are contracting AIDS. Also when people do the drugs they don't really know what they are doing so they're are more likely do something bad, most of them when they use drugs they don't care so they don't use protection and they could be with someone who has AIDS and not even know it because they're so out of it. Some people are to afraid to tell their love ones or other people that they have AIDS so they don't tell them they have it and they have sex with them and then the other person passes it on to other people because they didn't know they had it because no one told them. so AIDS just goes around till tons of more people get it just because of that one person being afraid to tell anyone because they're afraid what they would think of them. AIDS is a horrible thing that researchers need to find a cure for.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

AIDS in America

Why is it that I'm writing about Aids in America and not family activities? Well the reason is I'm doing a research paper on Aids in America and Africa. Even though this article isn't really about a family activity, many families have people in their families that are affected by AIDS. More then 32.8 million people in the world have AIDS and an estimate of 468,578 people in America are living with AIDS according to United States Statistics Summary. People in the United States are trying to come up with a cure for AIDS and trying to educate people about AIDS. Many children have parents that have died from AIDS so now they are forced to live on there own to defend for themselves. If we think about it why is it that Children all over the world are watching their parents die because there's no cure for what they have. Since no one has come up with a cure it's going to keep happening more and more people will die. Obama is trying lift a ban so that people who have HIV and AIDS are able to come into the US. His plan is that if we can get some more people over here trying to find a cure then we can maybe have more success. Since we have this ban many people who have AIDS don't want to leave because they're afraid they wont be able to come back. It's said that families have to be broken up because of someone living with AIDS. We need to find away to get these families back together again.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

diseases and families

Why is it that in countries all over the world children aren't able to spend quality time with their families? Many children around the world aren't able to spend time with their family, because some of them don't even have parents. This is because their parents have died of a disease or are very sick from a disease. Many children go each day not even seeing their parents. Many of these parents are sick with curable diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, and acute lower respiratory infections, but since they don't have the medical equipment that we have they aren't able to get better. So they can't spend time with their children. The children are stuck taking care of themselves and their other sibling. Since these children are having to take care of themselves many are suffering from malnutrition and other diseases. We as people in America need to find a way to give third world countries medicine and treatment to make these families better so they can spend more time with their kids. There are many sites that have some very interesting info on these diseases as well as some facts on how many people are affected. these are great sites that help us to remember that we need to help children get reunited with their families, so they can start spending more time together. Once we help some people they will go out and help others to get better.

Monday, October 12, 2009

bowling and mini golfing

On a previous comment on one of my blogs a question was asked if there is any activities for teenagers to do with their parents. The answer is there are many things that teenagers can do with their parents. One thing that teenagers can do with their parents is to go bowling. Bowling is a game that many parents can do with their children. Bowling is good for parents and teenagers to do because its something they can do and talk to each other at the same time. They can try to see who is the best bowler with who has the highest score. Families can also laugh at have a good time by seeing how bad some people are at bowling. There are many bowling alleys around that people can go to during most times of the day, or during any time of the year. Some people never think about going bowling with their kids they only think of simple family activities like dinner together.
Some families may not like to go bowling for those families there is always mini golfing for teenagers and parents to do together. They can pick a night and go mini golfing and have fun hanging out with eighteen holes of fun. Teenagers will like to have stuff for just their parents and them to do together in stead of having to worry about younger siblings because every one needs time to get away. There are many other things for parents to do with their teenagers their are websites with list of places for bowling and mini golfing and other activities for families with teenagers.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

movie night

What should families do if their children want to do something at night time instead of during the day? If a family has nothing to do for the night then they need to try a movie night. There are a few forms of movie night. The first way is by going to a drive-in movie. If you don't know where a drive-in is located you can look on the drive-in movie website and it tells your were all the drive-ins are located. Families can pack sandwiches and a few blankets and make a whole night of it. People who aren't a big fan of watching a movie outside there is always the option that you can go to your local theater and pick one that everyone wants to see. Another option people can do is by having a movie night at the house. They can plan a theme and have all the kids get involved in the theme and join in on the fun. Each time there is a home movie night not every one will want to watch that movie so if that is the case tell them that if they watch this movie that maybe it will be their turn to pick the next movie. This should make everyone happy and it can turn in to a great night together then just sitting at home doing nothing.The point of doing family movie night isn't just renting a movie and letting everyone watch it the point is to make a special event that gets the whole family excited and involved. Once families start this event it can turn out to be a weekly thing to get the family excited for the week. Doing weekly family activities is a great way to keep the family close.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Why is eating dinner together considered a family activity? Eating together as a family is one of the best family activities that a family can do together. It gets the family talking and they can all sit down and talk about their day. The dinner doesn't even have to be at home it could be at restaurant. Family who eat dinner get along better then families who barely ever eat together. Most families even have a favorite restaurant on a poll of families and friends favorite family restaurants most people love to eat pizza or nicer family places like Texas Road House, Applebees, and TGI Fridays. While other family like something different like la Rancherita, and Olive Garden. Even though not every one likes going out to eat there is always eating at home and having every one help make the meal so that you're all apart of it. If you don't know where you and your family would like to eat you can go to the internet to look one up. Families can always eat together if they are looking for something to do as a family. Its something everyone will want to do because who wouldn't want to eat. we all need to spend time together and what not a better way.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


What can familys do together over the summer? During the summer time many families go camping together. All the kids are out of school and the parents take some vacation time of work to go camping and what not a better way to spend some time together as a family. There's a link that families can go to see where they would like to go camping. It asks you what type of camping you are looking for and what else in the camping that your looking for. Some family camp in a tent and some in a trailer. Families can do so much together when they go camping. they can fish or ride bikes. One site has a list of activities for families to do with their kids. they have hiking and biking and much more. It always nice to see families camping together.

What do you do if your kids don't like to go camping? Some people aren't really big fans of camping especially the kids they thing they are to old to camp with their family or they think camping is boring. Well people need to get these kids moving send them on a scavenger hunt or let them swim if these a place to. No kids want to just sit down in a trailer all day they want to be out doing stuff, but who wouldn't want to be swimming or go biking. parents need to get these kids moving and every one will have a great time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

family friendly games

Why are family games so important? Family games are one of the most important things a family can do together. They get the family all together to hang out and to learn about each other and there day. Family's don't need to play games with each other every day but enough so that your family is connected. Kids might not want to have fun but we have to make them have fun. It might be hard to get them started but once it happens they will begin to love family games night/ days. having these kind of games make children be happier. it keeps the family close so that they can trust each other now and later on kids who play games with there family now are more likely to get along with them later. In a blog buy the moss family they talk about why family games are important and some types of games that keep there family together and game that is talked about on there blog is a game called don't cry kitty where you try to make people laugh by stroking their cheeks. this game get the family laughing and what not a better way to spend a night then seeing your family laugh and bond. things like bonding and laughing make family games so important.